Marketing Information Zone: 2016

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

How to Write an Article in 20 Minutes

 How to Write an Article in 20 Minutes

 How to Write an Article in 20 Minutes

I don’t really want to spend more than 20 minutes a day on writing articles. And I spent no more than 20 minutes to write this article.
I realize this is writing blasphemy. Internet marketing is powered by content, and content is king. But when I have a daily schedule to post on and a business to run, I don’t have time to spend hours polishing every single blog post or writing 2,000-word articles.
Writing quickly doesn’t mean compromising on writing well, though. I’ve got seven tips to get you in and out of that composition box in twenty minutes – without sacrificing quality.

1. Keep an idea list.

When inspiration for a post strikes, scribble it down in a notebook or a word file. For many bloggers and content creators, finding the topic to write about takes up half the time. Keeping an idea list lets you leap in to a new post quickly when you’re ready to write.

2. Let your ideas incubate.

If you try to force yourself to come up with supporting information for your brilliant idea right away, it’s going to take ages. Let that topic sit for a few days, though, and you can add new ideas as they occurs to you – and when you’re ready to write, you’ll already have all the supporting info you need.

3. Edit before you start

You’ve probably got twice as many ideas as you need at this point, so it’s time to be brutal. Cut out any supporting idea that doesn’t fit with the main topic of the article. Remember, we’re talking about how to write an article in 20 minutes, not an epic. You can always use the ideas you don’t need for later posts.

4. Use bullet points

Bullet points, or numbered points like “10 Ways to Get More Subscribers”, can make writing an article a lot simpler in terms of organization because you no longer have to figure out transitions from one idea to the next. The great side benefit is that readers like lists; they’re easier for the eye to follow.

5. Keep it short

If you want to finish that article in 20 minutes, try to keep it under 500 words. Don’t feel like you’re skimping on quality content, either: this article is only about 500 words but it’s chockfull of information. Make every word count and you’ll save time without letting quality slip.

6. Come back later

If you find that you’re stuck, don’t try to force the words to come. Save the article and work on something else for awhile. If inspiration strikes, open up that document again. You can even switch from one blog post to another, spending a few minutes on each as ideas comes to you. It’s a huge time-saver.

7. Never save a good idea

It’s tempting, when you look through your list of ideas, to save the best ones for later because you think they’ll be easier to write. You don’t want to save time later, you want to save time now. Do the articles you know will come easily and make the most of that time.
Follow these simple steps and you’ll be on your way to brilliant articles in a fraction of the time. Share some of your favorite article writing tips in the comments!

Namibian activists want to take Germany to court


Namibian activists want to take Germany to court

Namibian activists insist on direct negotiations with the German government over the genocide of 1904. The government says no - now the activists want to go to court. Their move is a sign that frustrations are growing. 

Activists commemorate the genocide of 1904 during a ceremony in Namibia
Bob Kandetu is a man who has clearly run out of patience. Herero leaders had resolved to "take the bull by the horns", the spokesman for the Ovaherero Traditional Authority grumbled. The activists want to take the German government to court. "Germany must now face the real threat of a long drawn out arbitration process," Kandetu said.
If the Ovaherero Traditional Authority gets its way, the Permanent Court of Arbitration in The Hague could soon become involved in the dispute over how to deal with a dark chapter of German history in Africa.
After a failed uprising by members of the Herero and Nama ethnic groups in the then colony of German Southwest Africa, German troops under the command of Lieutenant-General Lothar von Trotha brutally massacred more than 80,000 people between 1904 and 1908. For decades, different German governments refused to recognize the mass killings as genocide.
Only last year, the speaker of Germany's parliament, Norbert Lammert, called the atrocities "genocide". To date, Germany has not formally apologized for the crimes.
Namibia and Germany are currently negotiating recognition of the genocide and a possible apology at government level. The talks are set to conclude by the end of the year. If both parliaments agree, Germany would apologize for the crimes committed. Germany and Namibia are also set to agree on a number of measures focusing on raising awareness of the genocide in both countries.

German imperial troops killed more than 80,000 people in the genocide
'No confidence in either government'
"The talks between the federal government and the democratically elected government of Namibia are progressing in a constructive manner and an atmosphere of mutual trust," Germany's Foreign Ministry told DW in a statement.
But Herero and Nama activists, like the Ovaherero Traditional Authority, are a lot less enthusiastic.
"We do not have any confidence in the German or the Namibian government anymore. They simply ignore us," Herero activist Israel Kaunatjike told DW.
Kaunatjike supports the Ovaherero Traditional Authority's demand for direct negotiations with the German government.
"We are the people concerned, the descendants of the victims," Kaunatjike said. He wants the Namibian government to act only as a "referee".

German imperial troops killed more than 80,000 people in the genocide
While the German and the Namibian governments have ruled out direct negotiations with the activists, the opposition Left party has called for the involvement of civil society in the talks.
"The important question is: Are the descendants of the Herero and Nama victims going to be included in the agreement between the two governments? They have made clear that they are not going to accept an apology that was agreed without them. That would be a disaster," Left party member of parliament Niema Movassat told DW in March.
A matter of money
One reason why the Herero activists are now becoming more aggressive in their push for direct negotiations with the German government is the fact that one of their most important demands does not seem to be on the table of the official negotiations.
"We're certainly going to get an apology, but what about reparations?" Kanautjike asked.

Norbert Lammert, speaker of Germany's parliament called the mass killings "genocide" in 2015
Germany has ruled out direct payments to Hereros and Namas.
"There is no basis for compensation claims under international law," Germany's Foreign Ministry insists. Instead, Germany has chosen an indirect form of compensation - development aid to Namibia is considerably higher per capita than to most other countries in Africa.
Now Herero representatives want to take their demand for direct negotiations to the next level. They want to take their case to the Permanent Court of Arbitration in The Hague. The court provides a variety of dispute solving services to the international community. But so far, lawyers for the Hereros have not filed their case - and when they do, it is also not certain whether the court will agree to examine it.

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Monday, May 23, 2016

Hankook's high-speed tests inch airless tires closer to production


Hankook's high-speed tests inch airless tires closer to production

Hankook's iFlex recently passed a series of tests for durability, hardness, stability, slalom and speed

Hankook's iFlex recently passed a series of tests for durability, hardness, stability, slalom and speed.
Airless tires are one step closer to becoming a production reality, after Hankook successfully put its iFlex tire through a series of high speed tests. The iFlex is Hankook's fifth attempt at non-pneumatic tires, and brings with it a number of environmental benefits compared to conventional tires. 

As you might have guessed from the name, non-pneumatic tires don't require any air. Instead, Hankook's iFlex eschews conventional construction for a material that the company says is energy-efficient to manufacture and easy to recycle. The material also has allowed Hankook to halve the number of steps involved in manufacturing.

In testing, the iFlex was put through its paces in five different categories: durability, hardness, stability, slalom and speed. The electric car Hankook used hit 130 km/h (81 mph) without damaging the tire, and the iFlex was able to match the performance of a conventional pneumatic tire in all the other tests – although further details about the results have not been revealed.
Hankook isn't the only company testing airless tires. Michelin has opened a North American plant dedicated to production of the Tweel, and Bridgestone has been testing its recyclable, puncture-proof tires on Japanese single person vehicles that are usually used by the elderly.
Although still in the testing phase, the airless tire has huge potential in production cars. They don't puncture, and depending on the materials used they also have the potential to significantly cut down on the emissions involved in the production and recycling of tires. 

Source: Hankook

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Daydream believers? How Android VR changes the consumer virtual reality landscape


Daydream believers? How Android VR changes the consumer virtual reality landscape

Google's Daydream announcement was pretty tame – but it still changes the VR landscape in a ...
Google's Daydream announcement was pretty tame – but it still changes the VR landscape in a few ways (Credit: Will Shanklin/Gizmag) View gallery (6 images)
This year's Google I/O may have fallen short of our lofty dreams of a fully standalone VR headset, but it did still paint a pretty clear picture of where Google is going with this stuff – and how that changes (and doesn't change) the consumer VR landscape.

Daydream is (much) more reactionary than innovative

Daydream, the branding for Android N's built-in VR component, is mostly about catching up with the Gear VR, presenting an open, platform-wide alternative. To say the Daydream announcement was a disappointment would be a little unfair, since we're comparing it to a leak- and rumor-fueled fantasy, something that even the best companies can never fully surpass, and only rarely match. But there still wasn't a lot for a VR early adopter to salivate over this week.
Daydream doesn't seem to be about pushing any boundaries – at least not as part of anything Google has announced so far. A Gear VR type of platform (insert phone in hollow housing, and presto – instant VR headset) that works with most high-end Android flagships, rather than just those made by Samsung, is a smart long-term business move. It's also the next logical step in Google Cardboard's transition into full-blown consumer VR.
But where was the magic? Where are the moonshots? Where's the holy shit, Google just owned this mobile VR game kind of stuff?

The only real differentiator at this point between Daydream headsets and the Gear VR – apart from the enormous gap in quality VR content the Play Store is facing – is a single gesture controller reference design. And yes, that's controller – singular – as far as we can tell. Prepare for a barrage of one-handed games, where your off-hand just hangs at your side like a dead fish.
... and we also have no idea how good the tracking is on the controller, as Google had nothing to demo this week. Is it Vive-level tracking or PS Move level tracking (or worse)? If it's the latter, then no thank you.
If Oculus and Samsung are already working on things like positional tracking and motion controls – plural – for the Gear VR, then Daydream shouldn't pose much of a threat anytime soon. So far it looks like Google's short-term VR aspirations are aiming a bit lower than we'd hoped, only catching up to today's mobile VR, rather than preparing to stand toe to toe with tomorrow's mobile VR. At the rate this stuff is moving, it will be here sooner than you think.

Closed Oculus now has an open rival on two platforms

Speaking of Oculus, Facebook's VR company is now officially playing the closed/walled garden role on both of its platforms, PC and mobile. Nothing has changed in Oculus' strategy, but Daydream now has a chance to play the equivalent of the SteamVR role on Android. Open platform that will eventually support a variety of headsets vs. closed platform tied to one brand of headset that banks on exclusives and brand awareness to lure you in.
In other words, Oculus is trying to be the iPhone of VR. The role of Android is being played by SteamVR and, in a meta starring as himself role, Google's Daydream.
The big difference is SteamVR launched on Windows with one utterly badass headset, which is clearly better than its walled garden rival. We've yet to see any Daydream hardware, and there was nothing in Google's announcement to suggest any of them will offer much beyond what we've already seen from the Gear VR, much less future Gear VRs that will be here by the time Daydream launches.
Valve and HTC have openness and cutting-edge quality on their sides; so far Google just has openness. Don't expect a Vive-like entry for Daydream.

Mobile VR isn't fully taking advantage of its wireless nature

PC-based VR is by far the best, and probably will be for quite some time. But mobile has one huge advantage in being wireless.
Mobile VR headset makers aren't doing much with that, though, by leaving out positional tracking and real gesture control. If you can only be tracked sitting in one spot, then there's little advantage in your headset having no cables. Wireless should mean freedom, being able to move around a space and having your movement tracked accordingly. Right now it's a wasted opportunity.
The technology is there. All mobile VR companies would need to do is add an external sensor and a couple of controllers. The problem is they're viewing mobile VR like other mobile devices, thinking portability needs to trump everything else.
We can't complicate our portable VR by making users plug in sensors and carry around extra controllers!!
We think that's skewed thinking. Even when there's a smartphone inside, VR isn't like a smartphone or tablet; you aren't likely to want to use it while sitting on a train or on your office lunch break. I'd be shocked if mobile VR wasn't used more at home than anywhere else – by a wide margin.
Instead of seeing mobile VR as the portable one, mobile VR headset makers need to start seeing it as the wireless one. Make it a more complete VR experience, including positional tracking and tracked controllers. It won't be as powerful as PC-based VR, but if it's wireless, we won't care.
Maybe we should stop confusing the issue by calling it "mobile VR." How about "wireless VR" or just "smartphone-based VR?" Just because there's a phone inside doesn't mean it needs to follow the same mobile strategy as smartphones and tablets. It will never make sense to be used in most places you use those devices.

Hey, Apple: The pressure is on

Android will soon have not just the Gear VR inside Samsung's kingdom, but also Daydream filling in the gaps on the HTC, LG, Nexus and Huawei phones of the world. Within six months or so, I'm guessing all new Android flagships worth mentioning will be capable of some fairly high-quality VR experiences.
Rumors and patents have pointed to Apple working on something VR-related, but it doesn't sound like that's going to happen this year. Leaks are pointing to 2017 as being the year when the iPhone switches to an OLED panel, which tells us that's likely when the iPhone will become a VR platform.
By that time Apple will be very, very late to this party. Apple already plays the role of follower much more than it used to (for starters, see iPad Pro/Surface), but this VR train has been building up steam for a few years now. A late 2017 launch for Apple would cement its status as not just a company that's more reactionary than innovative, but one with not particularly fast reflexes.
Being Apple, there will naturally be some amazing-sounding feature it pitches as making the wait worthwhile. And who knows, maybe it will live up to that billing. Of course the iPhone's dominant status in the smartphone industry will guarantee some degree of importance no matter what – sort of the way Apple Music quickly became a major player in streaming music, despite arriving years after Spotify and others.
But fleshing out your platform with badass VR content isn't the same as buying agreements with record labels. The more time that passes where iOS isn't a hotbed of VR development, the harder a time it's going to have catching up to the Gear VR's and Daydream's game libraries. The pressure is on, Apple.
For more on today's VR, you can hit up our coverage of the Daydream announcement, and our reviews of the HTC Vive, Oculus Rift and Gear VR.

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Boss 33 - Ultra Sleek Mobile

Boss 33 - Ultra Sleek Mobile
 by: Wilson roy

Boss 33 - Ultra Sleek Mobile
Boss Mobile

This is a GSM Dual Sim Mobile with great looks. It is having touchscreen keypad input with Free Bluetooth. This phone features with bluetooth, MP3 and MP4 player, Camera with several multimedia options. It has a colored 2.6 inch LCD. This phone comes with a 1.3 MP camera, bluetooth, FM recording and Mp3 player as well. It has a 4GB expandable memory. Also comes with USB connector, WAP and GPRS.

A Decent Budget Choice

Boss Electronics are introducing a superb mobile with unique appearance together with great style and quality. Boss E33 is a sleek mobile with Touch Qwerty Keypad. This one is definately a best buy award winning phone! A robust and highly impressive phone with smart multimedia features! Boss Electronics (I) pvt ltd is the brand custodian whose products have been accepted and sold globally. Their constant endeavor is to introduce products of substance that offer the perfect blend of technology at an affordable price.

Design and Looks

This is a keypad mobile with good structural looks. It has top-notch and the capacious soft touch-pad which is the best ever to get used all-time.It has a wide 2.6 inch LCD display which definitely add a great visual impact on a user. Simply awesome interface: the screen is so good, its easy to read text without doing so. This is a Dual Sim Mobile which has a unique IMEI number so there is no need to worry at all.

Key Features

This phone supports multiple languages, which can surely act as a boon for users. The various organizing features like calculator, calendar, alarm clock and many more, acts very handy for your day to day activities. Its 4GB expandable memory offers great space to store lots of data, images and videos. It is equipped with GPRS and Bluetooth and keeps you connected throughout your activities. You have a USB cord for wired connections which sounds capable of transferring all your files just by a single wire. The Special highlight of this phone lies in its dual Sim feature, which allows you to use two numbers at the cost of one handset making it simply economical in long run. It has phone book capacity of 250 records. It has SMS, MMS and chat option as well. Grouping all forms of mobile interaction by contact, it makes it dead easy to check through old texts and calls.

Impressive Multimedia Features

This boss handset is equipped with a good camera. Camera has a display screen which is 1.3MP. In the situations where you've forgotten your camera at home and thinking of catching some smart pictures go get them done and get captured in this smart and stylish phone. It has 4x camera zoom for smart picture capturing. It is a dual band handset offering you something beyond par excellence. It also has FM radio and excellent MP3 and MP4 player options in 3GP Mp4, AVI format.

The True Verdict

Over and all it is not just a good work phone but also an excellent entertainer! It is a phone with speedy and handy communication at low budget cost. You get 9 Gifts worth Rs.2000 absolutely free with Boss 33 sleek. Above all there is a 6 months warranty.This is a Lowest Price Challenge! In case you find this product at a lower price else where we will reimburse 10 times the difference!

Saturday, May 21, 2016

How to use a B2B Business list to market your new business

How to use a B2B Business list to market your new business
 by: Jason john
In today’s market more and more businesses are looking to business to business or B2B mailing lists to entice more potential clients. The B2B marketing approach can help your business with not only marketing ideas, but also creative design solutions and strategic business advice.

Using B2B mailing lists will allow your business to target key decision makers within a company. Your businesses promotional message will be able to reach different levels and different departments within a company, each with their own expectations, needs, and concerns.

B2B mailing lists generally empathize more on an enhancement to a service instead of a core product. Being able to answer important questions like what can your service do to push my business above the competition or why should I chose your business over your competition, will allow you to solidify a business deal with your potential customers. Also, having a knowledgeable customer service team will allow you to provide the best service to clients and allow for important feedback on your businesses product or service.

Nowadays, many consumers including B2B customers rely heavily on the internet to research a product or service before they purchase it. Using a B2B email list will allow you to target this key group of B2B buyers.

Also, running your B2B mailing list campaign along with a social networking campaign can bring a large amount of B2B sales leads to your company. A social networking B2B campaign can be a cost effective direct marketing technique as membership to social networking sites is free.

The most important place marketers have to be when conducting B2B marketing or selling B2B products and services, is inside the mind of the people on their B2B mail list. B2B marketers must know more than which benefits and features will solve the challenges of their B2B mail list customers. They also must know how and why people make buying decisions.

You have to figure out not only what your B2B mail list needs, but how their minds work. Here are 4 basic human thinking practices marketers should keep in mind to understand their B2B mail list.

1. People like the familiar and resist change.

B2B marketing should start where the B2B mail list prospects are now. For example, provide case studies relevant to your prospect company’s industry and size. Similarly, your pay-per-click ads should deal with the solution your prospect uses now, not your solution.

2. People need clear distinctions.

Compare a small product next to something everyone knows and uses. This helps prospects differentiate them.

3. People need to be told what to do.

Buttons that say “Click Here,” “Call Now,” and “Download Now” may seem obvious, but B2B marketers can’t expect their B2B mail list to think or guess. Use strong call-to-actions in marketing materials to provide a higher response.

4. People can only selectively retain information.

Follow up on your B2B mail list with a phone call within 5 days. After that, most people will not remember your email or direct mail campaign.

Try to understand your B2B mail list and how they respond to new information as it is an important key to getting attention and closing sales.

Blogging for Profit? AutoBlog to Succeed!

Blogging for Profit? AutoBlog to Succeed!
 by: Dave Howell

Blogging for Profit? AutoBlog to Succeed!

Using autoblogging software may be more trouble than it is worth, as it can lead to duplicate content problems. This will make an undesirable impression for anyone who is examining your blog site. Are you sure that you would like countless point of view presenting itself on the weblog or just ones own perspective.

Their use could help you save time,and develop articles but it can easily be a lazy lifestyle because you set and forget.

Google does not seem to have a problem with autoblogging or use of software for building and maintaining an autoblog.

On the other hand, it appears that they recommend that if you do take advantage of them that you should pay extra awareness to what you are delivering upon your sites.

If absolutely everyone uses autoblogging, we will likely be using the identical keywords, consequently all the sites will look and also behave the same.

Just what exactly Is The Best Option When It Involves An Autoblog?

The Very best option is to add your own personalized content material yourself and if you choose to implement an autoblogging program, just make sure you keep an eye on it while including snippets or blurbs of content material within the posts of your blogging site. Do not just post and forget. Unique discussions will certainly attract both site visitors and also The three major search engines.

It may take weeks, months and even years to make a internet site known.

This is a problem that faces every blog website or online store and site creators even with a solitary blog property. Let alone 200!

Autoblogging makes it easier for owners and inventors of internet websites to deliver income with no that much hard work as well as that time as well as cash put in on retaining the proper content writer, the perfect website creator and the proper traffic optimizer.An Autoblog does all this work with less hard work. If you are even now dissatisfied with all these arguments, allow me to tell you a few things regarding autoblogging which will make you want it now more than ever.

1. Downloads Almost limitless.

Add Plug-ins on your wordpress autoblogs customise your blog dot com sites. Plugins can deliver site content for the particular blogs. Use them to help you Brand each and every Site. Build links and also produce unique key terms coming from the content material within your and the other autoblog sites (essentially like the notion of a mini network) and autoblog really does all the hard work for you;

2. Contents Generation

Top blogging means constantly coming up with ideas for new posts in order to stop the blogging site from becoming stagnant and lose its page rank in google.

Auto-blogging is the correct answer but to hold current with unique content and appropriate inbound links. In a sense, Autoblogging is a optimization scheme without the high costs.

3. User Generated Content

To stay 100% Google proof there should be a strand of real original unique content injected in to the networked articles or blog posts. This aspect Makes All The - Helps Make The - Is The Distinction - Variation - Big difference - Variance between the weeks Months and Years it usually takes to get Page Rank on the Yahoo And Google.

Online Marketing Strategy for Newbies – 4 Steps to Success

Online Marketing Strategy for Newbies – 4 Steps to Success
 by: Dan Bondurant

One of the most difficult parts of starting any business is knowing where to begin.  With all of the different ways you can find to start just taking your first step can be daunting.  In the case of building an internet business through online marketing you can get caught in a trap of failure right from the beginning because it’s so hard to figure out how to do it the right way from the start.

To break down the process lets take a step back and look at the problem as a whole and then narrow down from there.  In my opinion the best place to get your feet wet is with affiliate marketing.  You can sell someone else’s product so you don’t have to create one yourself right away and the commissions are usually more or equal to the profit made by the creator.

A great way to begin affiliate marketing is by setting up little streams of traffic pulling strategies to direct people to the squeeze page of the product. By setting up these little systems in multiple places you can start making money from home on autopilot. It can be broken down into only a few simple steps:

1.  First you must generate consistent free traffic that is targeted to a certain demographic range.  This can be done through article marketing or creating compelling video content and submitting it to websites like  The articles can be submitted to hundreds of article directories and all of these sources create backlinks that will increase your search engine rankings.

2.  Once you start getting interest in your articles and videos, you then direct that traffic to your affiliate programs.  Try to find products that have a high conversion ratio – that is the percentage of people who make a purchase out of the entire number of visitors.

3.  As you go through this process you want to use the system to build your own list of interested prospects.  Even if they don’t buy directly from the affiliate product squeeze page you should try to gather email addresses from these visitors.  If you can get an email address from them you may be able to send them information about another product that they would be interested in.

4.  This is how your new marketing system will work to generate income for you for years to come.  The best part is that you can automate this process, once you have it set up it can become a passive income source. 

Marketing Strategy
The key to making successful online income streams from home is by doing something that works and implementing it over and over again in a way that is automated. In this way of marketing the traffic methods are even free.  If you want to start looking for a program to follow you need to be careful, there are a lot of outdated and poorly created online marketing systems.

This article provides a rough outline of a solid marketing strategy, but you need more specific details on how to implement it.  The most exiting part of working a system like this is you mostly just have to invest your time and you can generate real results from that time for years to come. That's the best way to make money online. Creating simple but super powerful systems that once they are set up they are ready to run forever.
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Thursday, May 19, 2016

GPS Mount - Don't Take Them Lightly

GPS Mount - Don't Take Them Lightly
 by: GPS City Garmin

GPS for Handphone
For anyone out there who is a fanatic about snowmobiles and GPS devices, there is a heavy duty GPS mount made just for you! In addition other types of GPS systems, it accommodates the Garmin Nuvi beautifully! RAM appears to have solved some of the most troublesome problems encountered by snowmobilers using, say a bicycle mount on their snowmobiles - and other such clever adaptations.

Typically, these sorts of makeshift GPS mount applications don't work because some of the extreme conditions common to snowmobiles are totally foreign to bicycles. As a result, our GPS device functions below optimal levels. We don't often consider that possibility when we're suited up and ready to roll. However, it is best to remember that GPS mount tend to be specific to the device for which they were designed. You'll find very little, if any, crossover in this arena.

Whether you want to mount the GPS PND (personal navigation device) on your hip, your bicycle, motorcycle, snowmobile, Cessna Skyhawk or your 40 foot catamaran, there is a specific mount for the job. Getting the right GPS mount will save you hours of frustration while adding to the overall enjoyment of your craft and/or vehicle - recreational and otherwise. Trust me, I've been there.

For whatever reason, we don't seem to mind spending significant sums on the latest GPS technology (and that's a good thing), yet when it comes to the accessories developed to enhance our use of same, we back up, and become the "penny wise, pound foolish shopper". Just because the accessories are customarily sold separately, doesn't mean they are at all optional. When manufacturers use this a la carte system, it keeps the overall cost of the main item down and allows us to customize the package to suit our individual, personal style of use.

Wifi mobile phones – A new face of internet connectivity
 by: Markbush

Mobile internet is already a popular service which mobile phones are providing to their users. Previously users were only capable to access internet from their mobile phone through GPRS or by plugging their mobile phones with their laptops or personal computers and using the mobile internet on their laptops and computers. But the things have changed now; mobile phones with Wi-Fi feature are now a ruler of mobile internet. Wi-Fi technology is already been acknowledged as one of the fastest way to access internet which is already been embraced by common users and now with the inception of mobile phones with Wi-Fi things are getting even bigger and better.

wifi mobile
Wifi mobile phones are not only popular among businessmen who are using their office or home wifi internet to access internet on their mobile phone but also among youngsters who are saving lots of money through using wifi internet of their colleges and hostels over their phone. The Wi-Fi technology as we known today was invented by IEEE in 1997. In its starting age, wifi technology as only used in big corporate offices and government houses because of the cost and the logistics required however as the days passed by the logistics and costs reduces and it takes no time for Wi-Fi to reach into the hands of common people.

These days almost all of the smart phones are carrying wifi features with them and it is not unusual to see people accessing wifi internet of a coffee shop while they are sitting and having there day warmer. There was a time when people hardly find any social place which has wifi internet connectivity and in today’s time people hardly find any place which is not connected with wifi internet. The connectivity and the speed of wifi is completely based on the mobile phones models. Just like camera and GPRS, wifi phones also come with various versions, the latest the version is the more enhanced will be the speed.

Seeing the popularity of wifi mobile phones, there is been a surge in demand and supply of wifi mobile phones which is good as people have more options to choose however it also come with side effects for those people who are not able to judge properly. Thus to help these types of users, mobile phones comparison websites introduced a separate section which displays and compare various wifi mobile phones on various criterias.

New Smartec compact outdoor video camera with 600/700 TVL, IP66 and IR illumination

New Smartec compact outdoor video camera with 600/700 TVL, IP66 and IR illumination
 by: Eugene Azarell

New Smartec compact outdoor video camera
Smartec STC-3620 ULTIMATE compact outdoor camera is designed for the round-the-clock operation in outdoor conditions and can operate in complete darkness using IR-illuminator. It features Sony Super HAD II CCD, modern DSP-processor, 4x zoom lens with AI and a metal casing with IP66 protection rating. Unlike many analogues, this outdoor video camera generates high-quality video with up to 700 TVL resolution and 0.15/0.001 lux in Color and B/W modes. To improve video quality STC-3620 ULTIMATE supports digital noise reduction, high light compensation and image stabilization.

The new model is optimal for Day/Night video surveillance in outdoor conditions. It is equipped with varifocal lens, which are placed in a compact metal casing with 66x112 mm dimensions. STC-3620 utilizes varifocal lens with 2.8-12 mm focal length and AI. Camera metal casing with IP66 protection rating is supplied with a heater, controlled by a special processor, allowing outdoor video camera to operate at temperatures ranging from -40 to +50 ° C. To ensure stable device operation, new security device features concealed wiring cable through the bracket.

Sony Super HAD II CCD and DSP-processor provide clear images with high sensitivity, wide dynamic range, high light compensation and effective noise reduction. As a result of video conversion this outdoor video camera transmits images with 600/700 TVL resolution in Color and B/W modes. Camera usage in CCTV systems provides a high degree of image detail, especially for the outdoor objects identification.

For high-quality operation in different light conditions Smartec outdoor camera activates IR-cut filter, switching STC-3620 between Day and Night modes. The sensitivity of the camera is about 0.15 lux in Day mode and 0.001 lux in Night mode operation, while the activation of SenseUp mode increases the level of sensitivity up to 0.00003 lux. To prevent spontaneous switching between Day and Night modes during the short-term changes of light level, this outdoor video camera allows the operator to adjust switching delay time from 5 to 60 seconds.

An important advantage of STC-3620 ULTIMATE is its built-in IR illuminator, which helps outdoor video camera to generate detailed B/W image even in complete darkness. Due to 20 IR LEDs with high luminous efficiency new outdoor model reduces costs for surveillance system installation, excluding additional light sources for monitoring zone illumination.

STC-3620 ULTIMATE utilizes some new functions for image quality improvement. For example, outdoor video camera supports digital image stabilization (DIS) to eliminate the “smearing” effect, resulting from wind gusts or vibrations. Due to high light compensation (HLC) this video camera darkens the bright areas of the frame, improving the visibility of overall image. This mode is especially useful in recognition of license plates of cars moving in the dark with headlights, etc.

Consumer Camcorders VS Professional Camcorders

Consumer Camcorders VS Professional Camcorders
 by: Jay Preston

Are you getting ready to shoot a corporate event, educational video or documentery? If so then you will want a camcorder that will give you a professional end result. For the best results you will need control of your recording. For complete manual control a professional camcorder is the answer. Easily edited output format and superior image quality. With lighting and audio accessories compatability. 

Consumer Camcorders VS Professional Camcorders

If you want to shoot like a pro then perhaps a professional camcorder is what you're after. Some pro camcorders can set you back thousands. The good news is that the line between professional and pro-sumer camcorders is getting harder to define.

In the past hd was only available on the pro models but hd is now the standard. In fact even cell phones and ipod's can shoot in high definition now. The consumer cameras of today are arguably better than the professional models of just a few years ago.

What about the camcorders being produced today?

Consumer Camcorders VS Professional Camcorders A professional camcorder will have easily accessible manual controls over focus, zoom, exposure, shutter, audio and gain settings. Actual adjustable rings and dials.

Consumer camcorders will have some manual controls but not all and they are more difficult to find on the fly. Usually they are several screens down into the touch screen window.

Pro models will have interchangeable lens systems with larger lenses. Giving more user control. Adding interchangeable lenses will allow you to gain control over low light situations, depth of field, macro and telephoto shots.

Professional camcorders have bigger sensor's. This will dramatically increase the ability of the camcorder to capture light increasing the capability to shoot in low light while still giving rich color depth.

The price difference between consumer grade and pro is a major point. A full hd consumer camcorder can be had for under $200 or as high as a few thousand. Professional camcorders start where the consumer grades top out and can reach into the high five figures.

The real difference is with the shooter and not the camcorder. There is no substitute for experience and a good eye. 


Top 4G Apps for Motorola Droid Bionic


Top 4G Apps for Motorola Droid Bionic
 by: Yash rj

Top 4G Apps for Motorola Droid Bionic


Spotify lets you stream music of your choice. The best thing in it is that you can save the tracks so that you can play it even when you are not connected to the internet. 4G connections are preferred as you can download the music faster.

Do you want to know another best thing about it? It’s free.


Now you don’t have to sit in front of the TV to watch a great movie or you favorite TV shows. Install Netflix in your phone and no matter where you are, you can watch films or TV shows. The thing that you need to know is that you have to get a subscription to watch them. If you want to test it, you can download the trial version and after that, you can decide whether you want it or not. You can manage your video queues right from your phone.

There are some subscription charges but you can download it for free.


You might have used many video call apps on your phone with a 3G support but the experience may not be very good. Do you want something new? Download the Fring. It supports 4G and provides you the best quality and you can finally have a decent video chat. It’s easy to use and the best of all, four people can chat at a time. This is not all. You can IM with your friends on Yahoo, Google Talk etc.

4G support! Better video quality! Free!


Broadcasting videos from a 3G phone is an old way. World has moved on to 4G and many apps are being designed to support 4G. Bambuser is an app that supports 3G and 4G phones. 4G will let you broadcast videos faster but if you don’t have a 4G support in your phone, you can still use it for 3G. You can also let your friends and family know about your link as you can share what you have posted on the social networks.

Bambuser is available for free in the market. Hurry up. Grab one for your phone now.


4G provides better speed but you need to pay for its usage. So, it’s better to limit your usage. Sometimes when you are in the office or any other place where there is Wi-Fi available, you forget to turn off your 4G. Llama can help you with that. This app will determine your location and than it will activate the services based on where you are.

It’s free.

Nokia accessories– For your Nokia mobile phone

Nokia accessories– For your Nokia mobile phone
 by: Aaron Thomson

Nokia accessories are created to make sure that clients make use of every function of the mobile phone to the fullest. These kinds of accessories have true benefits and in addition it enables you to make use of the mobile phone efficiently. You will find number of accessories made with attractive hues, designs and styles in the mobile mart. Almost you will find volume of accessories for every mobile phone.

You can buy Nokia accessories in addition to personalize mobile phone within your preferred method. The particular requirement with regard to advanced mobile phone accessories is really developing day-by-day simply because users are usually realizing the importance of these mobile phone accessories.

Nokia accessories could be availed by either by online portals or even by visiting mobile stores. Budget-concerned individuals can opt for cheap Nokia accessories and could carry out their own requirement. From the mobile phone accessories, the most important accessory is mobile phone cases. Mobile phone cases are constructed with top quality materials for example leather, rubber and so forth.

Leather mobile covers safeguard mobile phone against any type of damage, grime, water as well as from any sudden impacts. You can select mobile phone cases that better suits your need and budget as well.

USB data cable and memory cards are also helpful accessories as with the help of USB data cable you can transfer information from mobile phone to PC and vice versa. With the help of Bluetooth, you can exchange information with other compatible devices. Another essential accessory is the screen protector. With the help of this accessory, you can protect the sensitive screen of the mobile phone against any type of damage.

Battery is also an important accessory as it provides capacity to the mobile phone. Without it mobile phone is of no use. Charger is also another essential accessory for mobile phones as it provides power to the mobile phone.

You should buy Nokia accessories not just for style statement but from the protection aspect as well and which satiates your need. To get more information regarding Nokia accessories as well as cheap Nokia accessories, you can surf various websites and online portals on internet.

T-Mobile G-Slate Tablet Review - Features And Specifications

 T-Mobile G-Slate Tablet Review - Features And Specifications
 by: Kevin Statham

 T-Mobile G-Slate Tablet

With its 8.9-inch screen, the T-Mobile G-Slate is noticeably smaller than both the 10.1-inch Xoom and the 9.8-inch iPad 2. The G-Slate is only slightly heavier than the iPad 2, but, like the Xoom, feels heftier, due to its odd weight distribution.

The G-Slate has a thickness of 0.49 inch, a little over one-third thicker than the iPad 2′s 0.34-inch profile. In landscape mode, its screen is as wide as the iPad 2′s, but is about an inch shorter in height. The G-Slate feels comfortable in our hands while typing, whether in landscape or portrait mode, and unlike the iPad 2 with its smooth-as-silk metal casing, the G-Slate isn’t as likely to slip from our grip.

On its bottom side, the tablet has ports for Mini-USB and Mini-HDMI–although not Micro-HDMI as on the Xoom. On the top are a volume rocker and microphone pinhole. Two speakers can be found on the right side, with another on the left. Also on the left are the power/lock button, a headphone jack, and the power adapter slot input.

Accessing the G-Slate’s SIM card is a little more involved than doing the same on the Xoom. There’s a hidden panel on the back, requiring you to push down and slide it, revealing the SIM slot as well as the reset button underneath.

These days you can’t have a tablet without a built-in camera, usually two. The G-Slate attempts to one-up the competition by including not only a front-facing 2-megapixel camera, but also a 5-megapixel 3D camera on the back. Technically, this is three cameras in all, although T-Mobile isn’t really marketing it that way.

If you’ve seen pics of the back of the G-Slate, you may have noticed a narrow silver plate across it. You may have also assumed this stylish-looking plate doubled as a kickstand. It doesn’t; its only function is to add a little design panache.

The G-Slate is the first Honeycomb tablet with out-of-the-box 4G support, courtesy of T-Mobile’s network. The tablet also comes with T-Mobile streaming TV preinstalled as well as an on-demand service called T-Mobile TV, EA’s Need for Speed Shift HD, Zinio Reader, and 3D camcorder and player software. Full Flash support is delivered via the Get Flash application, which will install Flash on the device within seconds.

The G-Slate also provides the usual tablet features, such as Bluetooth 2.1 support for audio and peripheral support (including Bluetooth keyboards). The Wi-Fi antenna supports bands up to 802.11n. Embedded sensors for screen brightness, accelerometer, and gyroscope are all included

A 1GHz Nvidia Tegra 2 dual-core mobile processor and 32MB of internal flash memory round out the specs.

The good: With 4G support, a wide-angle IPS screen, out-of-the-box streaming TV features, and Honeycomb support, the G-Slate is currently the best option for Android tablet shoppers.

The bad: Unless you have a thing for two-year contracts, the G-Slate is pretty expensive. 3D implementation is disappointing, and 4G drains the battery something quick.

Marketing Shop


 Marketing Shop


Pemasaran (bahasa Inggris: marketing) adalah proses penyusunan komunikasi terpadu yang bertujuan untuk memberikan informasi mengenai barang atau jasa dalam kaitannya dengan memuaskan kebutuhan dan keinginan manusia.
Pemasaran dimulai dengan pemenuhan kebutuhan manusia yang kemudian bertumbuh menjadi keinginan manusia. Contohnya, seorang manusia membutuhkan air dalam memenuhi kebutuhan dahaganya. Jika ada segelas air maka kebutuhan dahaganya akan terpenuhi. Namun manusia tidak hanya ingin memenuhi kebutuhannya namun juga ingin memenuhi keinginannya yaitu misalnya segelas air merek Aqua yang bersih dan mudah dibawa. Maka manusia ini memilih Aqua botol yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan dalam dahaga dan sesuai dengan keinginannya yang juga mudah dibawa.
Proses dalam pemenuhan kebutuhan dan keinginan manusia inilah yang menjadi konsep pemasaran. Mulai dari pemenuhan produk (product), penetapan harga (price), pengiriman barang (place), dan mempromosikan barang (promotion). Seseorang yang bekerja dibidang pemasaran disebut pemasar. Pemasar ini sebaiknya memiliki pengetahuan dalam konsep dan prinsip pemasaran agar kegiatan pemasaran dapat tercapai sesuai dengan kebutuhan dan keinginan manusia terutama pihak konsumen yang dituju.


Strategi pemasaran merupakan hal yang sangat penting bagi perusahaan dimana strategi pemasaran merupakan suatu cara mencapai tujuan dari sebuah perusahaan. Hal ini juga didukung oleh pendapat Swastha “Strategi adalah serangkaian rancangan besar yang menggambarkan bagaimana sebuah perusahaan harus beroperasi untuk mencapai tujuannya.”[1] Sehingga dalam menjalankan usaha kecil khususnya diperlukan adanya pengembangan melalui strategi pemasarannya. Karena pada saat kondisi kritis justru usaha kecillah yang mampu memberikan pertumbuhan terhadap pendapatan masyarakat. Pemasaran menurut W. Y. Stanton pemasaran adalah sesuatu yang meliputi seluruh sistem yang berhubungan dengan tujuan untuk merencanakan dan menentukan harga sampai dengan mempromosikan dan mendistribusikan barang dan jasa yang bisa memuaskan kebutuhan pembeli aktual maupun potensial.[2] Berdasarkan definisi di atas, proses pemasaran dimulai dari menemukan apa yang diinginkan oleh konsumen. Yang akhirnya pemasaran memiliki tujuan yaitu :
  1. Konsumen potensial mengetahui secara detail produk yang kita hasilkan dan perusahaan dapat menyediakan semua permintaan mereka atas produk yang dihasilkan.
  2. Perusahaan dapat menjelaskan secara detail semua kegiatan yang berhubungan dengan pemasaran. Kegiatan pemasaran ini meliputi berbagai kegiatan, mulai dari penjelasan mengenai produk, desain produk, promosi produk, pengiklanan produk, komunikasi kepada konsumen, sampai pengiriman produk agar sampai ke tangan konsumen secara cepat.
  3. Mengenal dan memahami konsumen sedemikian rupa sehingga produk cocok dengannya dan dapat terjual dengan sendirinya.
Pada umumnya kegiatan pemasaran berkaitan dengan koordinasi beberapa kegiatan bisnis. Strategi pemasaran ini dipengaruhi oleh faktor-faktor sebagai berikut :
  1. Faktor mikro, yaitu perantara pemasaran, pemasok, pesaing dan masyarakat
  2. Faktor makro, yaitu demografi/ekonomi, politik/hukum, teknologi/fisik dan sosial/budaya.
Berikut ini adalah hal-hal yang perlu diperhatikan untuk pemasaran : Dari sudut pandang penjual :
  1. Tempat yang strategis (place),
  2. Produk yang bermutu (product),
  3. Harga yang kompetitif (price), dan
  4. Promosi yang gencar (promotion).
Dari sudut pandang konsumen :
  1. Kebutuhan dan keinginan konsumen (customer needs and wants),
  2. Biaya konsumen (cost to the customer),
  3. Kenyamanan (convenience), dan
  4. Komunikasi (comunication).
Dari apa yang sudah dibahas di atas ada beberapa hal yang dapat disimpulkan, bahwa pembuatan produk atau jasa yang diinginkan oleh konsumen harus menjadi fokus kegiatan operasional maupun perencanaan suatu perusahaan. Pemasaran yang berkesinambungan harus adanya koordinasi yang baik dengan berbagai departemen (tidak hanya di bagian pemasaran saja), sehingga dapat menciptakan sinergi di dalam upaya melakukan kegiatan pemasaran.


Sejarah Pemasaran (Inggris:History of marketing)seiring dengan perkembangan ilmu ekonomi. Tidak dapat dipungkiri bahwa perkembangan ilmu ekonomi modern turut dipengaruhi oleh perkembangan kebudayaan masyarakat khususnya teknologi. Revolusi industri yang dipelopori oleh James Watt dgn penemuan mesin uapnya, telah mengubah tatanan masyarakat yang tadinya berorientasi agraris menjadi berorientasi industrialis. Hal ini ditandai dengan pembangunan pabrik-pabrik yang digerakan tidak lagi oleh manusia, tetapi juga oleh mesin, kapasitas produksi yang semakin besar dan meningkatnya kebutuhan masyarakat. Revolusi industri juga membawa pengaruh penting dalam perkembangan ilmu ekonomi secara umum. Sistem ekonomi misalnya yang tadinya berorientasi merkantilis dan phisiokrasi, sekarang beralih ke kapitalis di bawah panji pemikiran Adam Smith.
Sumber :

Saturday, May 14, 2016

Promoting To A Lady Versus Dealing With Men

Promoting To A Lady Versus Dealing With Men
 by: Wilson Kerr

The salesperson speaking to a male client does not have to concentrate significantly on looks and cleanliness. It is okay if he does not have the necessary documents on hand and his sleeves are folded up. But when exactly the same salesperson is referring to a female client, he needs to be spotless from head to toe. He should comb his hair appropriately, have manicured nails and even his shoes must be well-polished. The salesperson should be prepared with all of the necessary documents just before hand and shouldn't go rushing in front of the customer. Women seek perfectionism.

Words needs to be spoken with extra care in front of a woman customer. Women are better listeners and they are going to analyze each spoken word. A lot of emotion ought to be involved in the chatting due to the fact girls are drawn to emotions instantaneously. Like when selling clothes to a lady, tell her how you are going to feel poor for her if she has to sweat badly inside the summer because of her nature of job. Choose a great cotton dress for her and ask her to attempt it. The customer am goin to be extremely touched and will take much less time to buy the item. Seventy five percent of the job is carried out if she is won emotionally.

Next important point would be to in no way stop chatting in front of the female customer. The moment the salesperson stops conversing, she will start thinking deeply about the item and will start off examining each and every detail of the product and will give a second thought to the item. Women have the capability of multi-tasking. They'll have the ability to listen also as go through the manual at exactly the same time. So maintain her involved into many points at any given time. A man lacks the talent of multi-tasking. If a male client gets involved with some thing else, stop speaking instantaneously simply because he am goin to be unable to concentrate on both the things and it will lead him into a confusion state.

Another point to be taken care of is, it's not a fantastic idea to have a woman salesperson when a male client is to be handled. Women speak a good deal and men are negative listeners. The woman salesperson will go on and on concerning the item and the man will just nod his head not having acquiring any meaning out of it. They'll not able to express properly no matter whether they're finding the point or not. But on the other hand, a woman client could quickly express how much she has followed. Even if they don't speak it out, her facial expressions will tell it all. So when a salesperson is dealing having a female customer, he or she really should watch out for the client's expressions. If she shows any state of confusion or dislike, try taking a diverse technique.

Men customers can certainly be created to comprehend concerning the product by basically drawing the outlook of the product using a basic pen and paper. Men have a good capability of imagining the three dimensional images of the product that happens to be becoming referred to. But ladies are not so excellent that.

Friday, May 13, 2016

Saving On Brochure Printing
 by: Janice Jenkins

Brochures are considered as one of the best marketing or advertising material in the business industry today. These are crucial marketing collaterals that are very effective in improving or enhancing the marketing campaign of a product, service, or an event. Most business establishments use this marketing material to indicate the profile of their business product and crucial details and information.

Most customers these days are used to these marketing materials and most of them already know where to look to find product details and information that they need to know for a product or service that they want to purchase. There are also different business establishments that have engaged extra services in distributing or sending out their brochures in some areas. There are even some that have tried tying up with other business establishments to have their materials displayed on the desk or counters visible and accessible to their clients and customers.

Due to the increase in demand for brochures, most establishments have also chosen to engage with this type of material. Comparatively, due to competition in the market, it is easy to find affordable printing service, but not quality output.

Printing brochures can be in one color or full color depending on what your want and what your business requires. There are some brochures that are usually printed digitally. There are also some that use offset printing process. Some business establishments do not just distribute or send out their materials. They carefully choose their target market. There are also some companies that offer creative designs. A business establishment that is looking for these great marketing materials has to simply give his or her own concepts and ideas, and the printing company will make a design out of that concept with focus on great layout.

Of course, you need to discuss your concept with your chosen printing company. There are even some printing companies that give their own design with a built in logo to make great marketing materials easier and promptly distribute them to the right customers.

You can usually find a lot of great suppliers and printing companies that offers affordable brochure printing on the internet. You can easily talk or communicate with these online printing companies through chat or email. Depending on the result of your talk, most of these printing companies require minimum order. This can be advantageous to you and your business since large or bulk orders often cost less. Most of these printing companies also come out with quality outputs in just a short period of time after you have made and finalized your order. However, when choosing a printing company that will print your brochures, make sure to choose carefully the one that will give you great output and can give you what you and your business really needs.

There is no better way to get affordable printing than to use online printing companies. There are hundreds if not thousands of online printers, so getting affordable rates is a comparatively simple job. There are many printing options available today, and most of the time, the printing techniques are the same as offline printers. The quantity of prints you will order will actually determine the type of discount package available to your. It is really just a matter of choosing which best fit your need.