Marketing Information Zone: How Web Video Production Can Help Your Business

Thursday, May 5, 2016

How Web Video Production Can Help Your Business

How Web Video Production Can Help Your Business
 by: Fortay Media

Web video production has become increasingly popular as embedding technologies and broadband internet speed gets ever better. Where your business or site warrants it, using an online web presenter can help get your message across – in tutorials and product guides, for example. And where a virtual tour is required, the web video really comes into its own.

The bottom line is, the Internet is now ready and able to support genuine multimedia presences for your company and your company website. In an age of file sharing and self broadcast, your customers and site users expect to see you making the best use of the technology at your disposal. Web video production allows you to make use of video files where they are the most appropriate way to get your message across.

In line with all website optimisation protocols, you should use a web video where a video file or moving image is genuinely the optimum way to deliver your information. Ask yourself the following question, of every part of your website: could it be understood better using another method? If the answer to that question is “no”, then a web video production can simplify your site and make its user experience much better.

Video works excellently for site guides, product descriptions and demonstrations of the services you provide. In many cases it is much easier to show a potential customer or service user something you do, in action, rather than trying to explain it with words and still images. Also, your web video satisfies the strongest of all customer urges – which is to see something they are about to buy, “in the flesh”.

The web video production on your site is ideal for making your site feel more interactive and as long as you have the rest of the page properly optimised the inclusion of a video file won’t confuse search engines. Unlike Flash menus, which look funky and do all kinds of flashy things when you scroll over them, but which prevent search engines from seeing the navigational structure of your site correctly, an embedded file can be optimised properly, even to the extent of directory submission.

The ultimate strength of the web video is in its ability to demonstrate the use and enjoyment of a product. One of the major objections to web shopping has always been the lack of knowledge about what exactly you are going to get. A photograph of an item you have never seen before never does it the same justice as a video showing you what it is and how it works.

Your web video production can bring your site to life, bring your products to life, and get your information across more clearly. Used properly, it makes your site user’s experience better.

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